Meet The Midwife

My name is Nechama, and I
love my work as a midwife. I became a midwife because I love
being a woman and and getting to be around women in all their strength and glory. Also because I can't imagine ever not going to births; I still love it when my phone rings at 2 am and I pull on sweatpants and rush out of bed. Each birth is different, but they all feel like a
celebration of all that women are capable of, and of the many ways of
being a woman.
I went to school at Maternidad La Luz, a busy school and birth
center in El Paso, Texas. I graduated in 2006, and I am a
Certified Professional Midwife. I started attending births as a doula, and I've attended about 175 births in one capacity or another. I'm trained in IV therapy and the use of pharmaceutical medications, and I'm certified in neonatal resuscitation and health care provider level CPR. I am also a certified lactation counselor (CLC). I have worked in birth centers and homes, and have a lot of experience in postpartum care, an important part of my practice. I've attended many a VBAC, and I really love supporting women in giving birth naurally after cesarean. As a midwife and as a human being, I very much value diversity, and I have done births for a wide, wide range of families, from many different cultures, family configuurations and stages in life. I believe that part of my job as a midwife is to support people's cultural beliefs, and that midwifery, and respectful maternity care in general, when used right, can be a force for social change. I have organized many community events about the connection between women's health and the community at large.
I grew up in Brookline, and
I just moved back after almost 10 years in Oregon. It’s good to
be home! I’m a Boston girl at heart, and I’m excited to be serving my
hometown. In my spare time, I enjoy hanging out with my family,
making cartoons and eating ice cream. I'm very interested in global women's health, and I am a member of Circle of Health International, as well as the International Cesarean Awareness Network.
see midwifery as a very practical job. I believe in women’s power
to give birth, and to live their lives as powerful individuals. I
feel that my job at births is to take care of all the practical details
and look out for everyone’s safety, so that the laboring mother can do
her work in peace. I cannot make labor any less painful or
intense, but I can look you in the eyes and believe in you. I can
offer you support and acceptance, monitor your safety and let you know
that what you’re doing is possible.