Photos, News, Testamonials and Birth Stories

“Nechama is passionate and well educated about what she does. She was there for me to support me through pain, and answered my questions with in-depth information about what was happening during the birth process. She was very accepting and calming. I had a long labor, and Nechama's support really helped me know that I could do it! I'd recommend her highly to anyone.”-Angela
“Nechama was totally there for my wife; she knew how to help her. She let me know what was going on, and helped me help her, too. She showed me what to do, and made sure I didn't crap my pants! Nechama was respectful, patient, kind and very helpful.” - Neil, father
“Yo me acuerdo de usted, cada vez que veo a Kate, y que gracias a su ayuda pude traerla natural y no con cesarea." ( I remember you when I look at Kate. Thanks to your help, I was able to give birth to her naturally, without {another} cesarean) - Elisa
“I appreciate you so much! Thanks for guiding me and helping me birth according to nature and my dreams! You're an amazing strength to women.” -Anonymous
"Nechama has a great energy for birth; she is clearly meant to do this. She helped me believe in myself and avoid another cesarean with my second son. I'm very glad she was there."
More photos coming eventually. |